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Business Office

Payments can be made online at

The CR Business Office is available to support both students and employees and can be reached at 707-476-4126 or email  

Business Office Forms and Resources

Window Hours:

Monday - Thursday | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Accounts Payable (A/P)


Receive invoices and statements
Process payment to vendors, suppliers, etc.
District Accounts Payable
Foundation Accounts Payable
Revolving Cash Requests

Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Student Receivables

Email: and           

Payments on Account
Student Refunds
Nelnet Payment Plans 
BankMobile, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.
Interdepartmental Invoicing
Sponsored Students
Residence Hall Billing and Receivables
Non-student Accounts Receivable
Delinquent Debt Collection
Release of Information



Budget and expenditure questions
ECBR report – Tracking payroll expenditures
Budget code authorization and setup
Employee requisitions
Budget load into Ellucian/Datatel
Budget adjustments and transfers
Printing chargebacks
Fuel chargebacks
Warehouse chargebacks
Postage chargebacks

Cal Cards 


New Cal Card requests
Completed statement reconciliation review and processing



Bid and quote requirements
Contracts & contract templates
Insurance requirements
Approval requirements



Districtwide risk management, accident claims, liaison with insurance carrier
District owned fleet title transfer and auto insurance contact 



Requisition and purchase order processing
Re-encumbers and Dis-encumbers
Vendor setup



In-District Travel Authorization 
Automobile Use Permission Form
Travel Request Authorization
Travel Advance processing
Approval requirements
Travel Expense processing and reconciliation
Mileage Reimbursement

Accounting and Reporting

Ellucian/Datatel Finance access, patch testing and acceptance
Federal grant award drawdown and management
Apportionment revenue tracking and Proposition 30 Education Protection Account required reporting
Property tax accounting
Measure I, Measure Q, and State bonds, continuing disclosure reporting, compliance, Citizens Bond Oversight Committee coordination, bond refunding
Cash/working capital management, Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note (TRAN)
General ledger reconciliation, roll-up, closing
Annual closing of the District’s books and CCFS 311 Final report
Quarterly reports to the Chancellor’s Office: CCFS 311, 320, categorical reports
Monthly Board items: District financial report, purchase order report, Cal Card report, bond project status report, Foundation investment report and financial report
Preparation of required reports for annual financial audit


Information Regarding Optional Student Fees

The ASCR Activity fee and Technology fee are optional. These fees can be refunded by completing the 'Request to Waive Optional Fees' form and submitting it to, or by turning it in at the cashier’s window. Please note that requests to waive the ASCR Activity fee and Technology fee can only be submitted prior to the start of the term. The business office will process fee waiver requests and issue refunds two weeks after the start of the term.

Request to Waive Optional Fees

The Business Office can be reached at 476-4126 or

Contact Us

We can help

Student Services Building, 2nd Floor

Phone & Window Hours Mon. – Thurs. 9a – 4p Fri. 11a - 3p
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